After more than a year of alternating between celebrity landlord and home seller, Leonardo DiCaprio has finally bid farewell to one of his Malibu properties.
The actor first listed the beachside home at 23736 Malibu Colony Rd for rent in May 2012 for $75,000 a month, or $115,000 a month for just the summer. By November, he was serious about dumping the house and listed it on the for-sale market with a hefty price tag of $23 million.
However, even with three homes on the property for a combined 7 bedrooms and 6 baths, the listing price was a little steep for buyers searching in the Malibu real estate market. DiCaprio decided to get some rental income out of the place, relisting it again for $75,000 a month.
Once the summer season was finishing up, DiCaprio put the home back on the for-sale market, this time with a $4.1 million price decrease. The price cut is what it took: The home finally sold in late December for $17.35 million.
“The Wolf of Wall Street” star now spends most of his time in New York, where he owns an eco-friendly penthouse in Battery Park and is rumored to be on the hunt for another Manhattan place

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